# File: e_info.txt # This file is used to initialize the "lib/raw/e_info.raw" file, which is # used to initialize the "ego-item" information for the Angband game. # Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing, # unless you wish to risk possible system crashes and broken savefiles. # After modifying this file, delete the "lib/raw/e_info.raw" file. # The ego-item indexes are defined in "defines.h", and must not be changed. # Ego-items 1-63 are "armor", and 64-127 are "weapons" # Note that every "ego-item" type has a different "index", and can only be # created from items that belong to a certain "slot" in the equipment, if # one assumes that "ammo" belongs to an imaginary slot (23). # # Note that several "ego-item" types may share the same "textual name", # such as with "Armor of Resistance" and "Shield of Resistance". # # Ego-items have descriptions that appear after that of the base object # type if the object is identified. # Version stamp (required) V:0.4.1 #N: ego-item index: name (appended to base object description) #X: base object tval (general kind): amount the level feeling is increased by #W: not used: not used: no longer used: bonus to value #C: Bonus to Skill: Bonus to Deadliness: Bonus to armour class: # pval (controls how much stats or skills are increased by) #F: All item-specific flags (special qualities). ### Body Armor ### N:4:of Resist Acid X:30:16 W:0:0:0:1000 F:RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID D:It grants resistance to acid, and will not be harmed by that element. N:5:of Resist Lightning X:30:10 W:0:0:0:400 F:RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC D:It grants resistance to electricity. N:6:of Resist Fire X:30:14 W:0:0:0:800 F:RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE D:It grants resistance to fire, and will not be harmed by that element. N:7:of Resist Cold X:30:12 W:0:0:0:600 F:RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD D:It grants resistance to cold. N:8:of Resistance X:30:20 W:0:0:0:12500 C:0:0:10:0 F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:It grants resistance to all four basic elements, and cannot be harmed D:by elemental attacks. # OneHighResist N:9:of Elvenkind X:30:25 W:0:0:0:15000 C:0:0:10:3 F:STEALTH | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:Made in the smithies of Beleriand, this armour resists the elements and D:one other attack, cannot be harmed by the elements, and conceals the D:wearer from hostile eyes. N:10:(Dwarven) X:30:5 W:0:0:0:1500 C:0:0:12:0 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:Although not magical, this surprisingly light armour is made with such D:skill as to resist damage by the elements and offer enhanced protection. # OneHighResist N:11:of Permanence X:30:30 W:0:0:0:30000 C:0:0:10:0 F:SUST_STR | SUST_DEX | SUST_CON | SUST_INT | SUST_WIS | SUST_CHR | F:HOLD_LIFE | RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:The great sorcerers of old wore light mantles that protected against the D:elements and one other attack, stat-draining, and experience loss. D:Fortunate indeed are you to discover one. # 12 (unused) # 13 (unused) # 14 (unused) # 15 (unused) ### Shields ### N:16:of Resist Acid X:32:16 W:0:0:0:1000 F:RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID D:It grants resistance to acid, and will not be harmed by that element. N:17:of Resist Lightning X:32:10 W:0:0:0:400 F:RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC D:It grants resistance to electricity. N:18:of Resist Fire X:32:14 W:0:0:0:800 F:RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE D:It grants resistance to fire, and will not be harmed by that element. N:19:of Resist Cold X:32:12 W:0:0:0:600 F:RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD D:It grants resistance to cold. N:20:of Resistance X:32:20 W:0:0:0:12500 C:0:0:10:0 F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:It grants resistance to all four basic elements, and cannot be harmed D:by elemental attacks. N:21:of Night and Day X:32:18 W:0:0:0:8000 C:0:0:5:0 F:RES_LITE | RES_DARK D:It grants resistance to light and darkness. # 22 (unused) # 23 (unused) ### Crowns and Helms ### N:24:of Intelligence X:33:13 C:0:0:0:2 W:0:0:0:500 F:INT | SUST_INT D:It increases and sustains your intelligence. N:25:of Wisdom X:33:13 W:0:0:0:500 C:0:0:0:2 F:WIS | SUST_WIS D:It increases and sustains your wisdom. N:26:of Beauty X:33:8 W:0:0:0:1000 C:0:0:0:4 F:CHR | SUST_CHR D:It increases and sustains your charisma. # OneAbility N:27:of the Magi X:33:15 W:0:0:0:7500 C:0:0:0:3 F:INT | SUST_INT | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:It increases and sustains your intelligence, resists the four basic D:elements, and cannot be harmed by elemental attacks. You may benefit D:greatly from the one hidden power it contains. N:28:of Might X:33:19 W:0:0:0:2000 C:0:0:0:3 F:STR | DEX | CON | SUST_STR | SUST_DEX | SUST_CON | FREE_ACT D:This warrior's crown increases and sustains strength, dexterity, and D:constitution, and protects against paralyzation. N:29:of Lordliness X:33:17 W:0:0:0:2000 C:0:0:0:3 F:WIS | CHR | SUST_WIS | SUST_CHR D:This paladin's crown increases and sustains wisdom and charisma. N:30:of Seeing X:33:8 W:0:0:0:1000 C:0:0:0:5 F:SEARCH | RES_BLIND | SEE_INVIS D:This helm grants sight beyond sight that can never be blinded, and its D:wearer will seldom miss a trap or hidden door. N:31:of Serenity X:33:12 W:0:0:0:3500 F:RES_CONFU | RES_SOUND D:This helm offers sanctuary from confusion and sound attacks. N:32:of Light X:33:6 W:0:0:0:500 F:LITE | RES_LITE D:This helm shines so brightly as to light the way for the wearer, and offers D:resistance to light. N:33:of Telepathy X:33:20 W:0:0:0:50000 F:TELEPATHY D:Suddenly, the minds of your enemies stand revealed, and you perceive D:those who attempt to waylay you in the dark. N:34:of Regeneration X:33:10 W:0:0:0:1500 F:REGEN D:This helm offers hastened recovery of both hit points and mana. N:35:of Teleportation X:33:0 W:0:0:0:0 F:TELEPORT | LIGHT_CURSE D:This helm randomly teleports you around the dungeon, and you'll find it D:hard to take off. N:36:of Stupidity X:33:0 C:0:0:0:-5 W:0:0:0:0 F:INT | LIGHT_CURSE D:This helm saps the powers of the mind. N:37:of Naivety X:33:0 C:0:0:0:-5 W:0:0:0:0 F:WIS | LIGHT_CURSE D:This helm drains away wisdom. N:38:of Ugliness X:33:0 C:0:0:0:-5 W:0:0:0:0 F:CHR | LIGHT_CURSE D:This hideous headgear makes you appear foul and ugly to others. N:39:of Sickliness X:33:0 C:0:0:0:-5 W:0:0:0:0 F:STR | DEX | CON | LIGHT_CURSE D:This helm withers the body away, and is reluctant to release its grip. ### Cloaks ### N:40:of Protection X:31:10 W:0:0:0:500 C:0:0:10:0 F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:It offers enhanced ordinary protection, and cannot be harmed by elemental D:attacks. N:41:of Stealth X:31:10 W:0:0:0:500 C:0:0:0:3 F:STEALTH D:It improves your ability to hide from your enemies. # OneHighResist N:42:of Aman X:31:20 W:0:0:0:4000 C:0:0:20:3 F:STEALTH | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:Made in the Blessed Realm far to the west, these highly magical garments D:are seldom seen and highly valued. They increase stealth, have one D:special resistance, and cannot be harmed by the elements. # 43 (unused) N:44:of Enveloping X:31:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-10:-10:0:0 F:SHOW_MODS | LIGHT_CURSE D:The swirling folds of this cloak seem always to be in the way when you D:most want to strike your opponents. N:45:of Vulnerability X:31:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:-50:0 F:AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE D:You feel horribly naked and defenceless, and wonder how you'll get D:this acursed clock off your back. N:46:of Irritation X:31:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-15:-15:0:0 F:AGGRAVATE | SHOW_MODS | LIGHT_CURSE D:It irritates nearby monsters, whom you'll find it hard to hit. N:47:of Shard Protection X:31:10 W:0:0:0:2500 C:0:0:5:0 F:RES_SHARD D:It wraps around you, offering protection from blasts of shards. ### Gloves ### N:48:of Free Action X:34:11 F:FREE_ACT W:0:0:0:1000 D:They protect from paralyzation and certain slowing attacks. Mages and D:Necromancers can wear these comfortably. N:49:of Slaying X:34:17 W:0:0:0:1500 C:8:8:0:0 F:SHOW_MODS D:You strike with force and accuracy when wearing these. N:50:of Agility X:34:14 W:0:0:0:1000 C:0:0:0:5 F:DEX | HIDE_TYPE D:While wearing these, your fingers seem divinely nimble, and your whole body D:lithe and limber. N:51:of Power X:34:22 W:0:0:0:2500 C:8:8:0:5 F:STR | SHOW_MODS | HIDE_TYPE D:He who wears these gains considerable combat power, and feels his D:muscles bulge as he hammers his foes. N:52:of Magic Mastery X:34:17 W:0:0:0:1000 C:0:0:0:4 F:MAGIC_MASTERY | HIDE_TYPE D:They enhance magical device skill. Mages and Necromancers can wear D:these comfortably. # 53 (unused) N:54:of Weakness X:34:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:0:-10 F:STR | LIGHT_CURSE D:They suck the strength out of your nerveless arms. N:55:of Clumsiness X:34:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:0:-10 F:DEX | LIGHT_CURSE D:Your fingers seem thick and clumsy, and you fumble around instead of D:slaying your foes. ### Boots ### N:56:of Slow Descent X:35:7 W:0:0:0:250 F:FEATHER D:They make you light-footed, able to escape pits and dance lightly over D:lava. N:57:of Stealth X:35:16 W:0:0:0:1000 C:0:0:0:3 F:STEALTH D:Your footfalls make no noise at all wearing these. N:58:of Free Action X:35:15 W:0:0:0:1000 F:FREE_ACT D:These protect against paralyzation and some slowing attacks. N:59:of Speed X:35:25 W:0:0:0:15000 C:0:0:0:10 F:SPEED | HIDE_TYPE D:All around you seem to move with dreamlike sloth; time itself waits D:patiently for you. N:60:of Stability X:35:15 W:0:0:0:2000 F:RES_NEXUS D:The wearer of these has his feet planted firmly on the floor, and need D:not fear nexus attacks. N:61:of Noise X:35:0 W:0:0:0:0 F:AGGRAVATE | LIGHT_CURSE D:Every step you take echoes through the dungeon, and all around D:you annoyed creatures advance to kill. N:62:of Slowness X:35:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:0:-5 F:SPEED | LIGHT_CURSE D:These slow the wearer down. N:63:of Pitiless Torment X:35:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-20:-20:-50:-10 F:SPEED | AGGRAVATE | HEAVY_CURSE D:These horrific footgear crush the wearer down, rendering him exposed and D:helpless, utterly unable to face the gleaming eyes of suddenly energized D:foes. ### Weapons ### # OneSustain N:64:(Holy Avenger) X:24:30 W:0:0:0:20000 C:6:6:4:4 F:WIS | F:SLAY_EVIL | SLAY_UNDEAD | SLAY_DEMON | F:SEE_INVIS | BLESSED D:The sactified weapon of Priests and Paladins, it slays evil, demons, and D:the undead, increases wisdom and sustains a random stat, can be wielded by D:pious characters comfortably, grants sight beyond sight, and boosts armour D:class. # OneSustain N:65:(Defender) X:24:25 W:0:0:0:15000 C:4:4:8:4 F:STEALTH | F:FREE_ACT | SEE_INVIS | FEATHER | REGEN | F:RES_ACID | RES_ELEC | RES_FIRE | RES_COLD | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:Strong friend in peril, this weapon enhances stealth, resists all four D:basic elements and cannot be damaged by them, grants see invisible and D:protection from paralysis, increases armour class, boosts regeneration D:speed, and renders the wearer lightfooted. # OneAbility N:66:(Blessed) X:24:15 W:0:0:0:5000 C:0:0:0:3 F:WIS | F:BLESSED D:A priestly weapon that increases wisdom and bears a hidden power. # 67 (unused) N:68:of Westernesse X:24:20 W:0:0:0:20000 C:5:5:0:2 F:STR | DEX | CON | F:SLAY_ORC | SLAY_TROLL | SLAY_GIANT | F:FREE_ACT | SEE_INVIS D:A weapon made by the Dunedain, feared by trolls, orcs, and giants. It D:offers see invisible and protects from paralyzation. # 69 (unused) # 70 (unused) # 71 (unused) # The "Elemental" brands (4) N:72:of Melting X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4500 F:BRAND_ACID | RES_ACID | IGNORE_ACID D:This weapon smokes and sizzles with noxious black corrosions. It grants D:resistance to acid and cannot be harmed by that element. N:73:of Shocking X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4500 F:BRAND_ELEC | RES_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC D:Sparks form tiny coronas upon its surface from top to bottom, and it D:grants resistance to electricity. N:74:of Burning X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4000 F:BRAND_FIRE | RES_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE D:Flames dance merrily up and down it. It grants resistance to fire, and D:cannot be harmed by that element. N:75:of Freezing X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4000 F:BRAND_COLD | RES_COLD | IGNORE_COLD D:Crystals of coldly gleaming ice form upon its surface, and it grants D:resistance to frost. N:76:of Poisoning X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4000 F:BRAND_POIS D:It gleams a sickly green, and you dare not hold it above the handle. # A Whip of the Balrog. At least 2d6, and x3 damage to all not immune # to fire, but reduces stealth. Can also lash out at a distance of two. N:77:of the Balrog X:24:20 W:0:0:0:12000 C:-20:10:0:-4 F:STEALTH | BRAND_FIRE | RES_FIRE | LITE | ACTIVATE F:IGNORE_FIRE | ACTIVATE D:This perilous demon's lash burns redly with the dread fires of Udun, D:doing triple damage to all monsters not resitant to fire, and D:blazing so brightly as to light your path and disturb nearby foes. # 78 (unused) # 79 (unused) # The "Slay" brands (8) N:80:of Slay Animal X:24:18 W:0:0:0:3000 F:SLAY_ANIMAL D:This weapon is especially deadly against natural creatures. N:81:of Slay Evil X:24:18 W:0:0:0:3000 F:SLAY_EVIL D:This weapon fights against evil with holy fury. N:82:of Slay Undead X:24:18 W:0:0:0:3000 F:SLAY_UNDEAD D:This weapon strikes at undead with holy wrath. N:83:of Slay Demon X:24:14 W:0:0:0:2500 F:SLAY_DEMON D:This weapon smites demonic foes with holy wrath. N:84:of Slay Orc X:24:10 W:0:0:0:2000 F:SLAY_ORC D:This weapon is especially deadly against orcs. N:85:of Slay Troll X:24:10 W:0:0:0:2250 F:SLAY_TROLL D:This weapon is especially deadly against trolls. N:86:of Slay Giant X:24:14 W:0:0:0:2250 F:SLAY_GIANT D:This weapon is especially deadly against giants. N:87:of Slay Dragon X:24:18 W:0:0:0:3000 F:SLAY_DRAGON D:This weapon is especially deadly against dragons. # The "Kill" brands (8) N:88:of *Slay* Animal X:24:20 W:0:0:0:7000 C:0:0:0:2 F:INT | SLAY_ANIMAL | REGEN D:This weapon withers animals, increases intelligence, and hastens recovery. N:89:of *Slay* Evil X:24:20 W:0:0:0:6500 C:0:0:0:2 F:WIS | SLAY_EVIL | BLESSED D:This holy weapon is peerless in combat with evil creatures, increases D:wisdom, and is blessed. N:90:of *Slay* Undead X:24:24 W:0:0:0:7500 C:0:0:0:2 F:WIS | SLAY_UNDEAD | SEE_INVIS D:This weapon dispels undead as you strike them, increases wisdom, and allows D:you to see monsters that are normally invisible. N:91:of *Slay* Demon X:24:18 W:0:0:0:5500 C:0:0:0:2 F:INT | SLAY_DEMON | RES_FIRE D:This weapon smites down demons with holy wrath, increases intelligence, D:and protects against the element of fire. N:92:of *Slay* Orc X:24:14 W:0:0:0:4000 C:0:0:0:2 F:DEX | SLAY_ORC D:This weapon wreaks orcish armies and increases dexterity. N:93:of *Slay* Troll X:24:15 W:0:0:0:4750 C:0:0:0:2 F:STR | SLAY_TROLL D:This weapon pierces the tough hides of trolls with ease, and you feel D:mighty as you swing it. N:94:of *Slay* Giant X:24:14 W:0:0:0:4000 C:0:0:0:2 F:STR | SLAY_GIANT D:This weapon loans you some of the strength of giants, and cripples them with D:every deadly blow. N:95:of *Slay* Dragon X:24:20 W:0:0:0:6500 C:0:0:0:3 F:CON | SLAY_DRAGON D:This weapon is a mighty dragonbane, and increases constitution. # 96 (unused) # 97 (unused) # 98 (unused) # 99 (unused) N:100:of Digging X:24:4 W:0:0:0:500 C:0:0:0:5 F:TUNNEL | BRAND_ACID | F:IGNORE_ACID | IGNORE_ELEC | IGNORE_FIRE | IGNORE_COLD D:It digs rapidly through walls, bears an acidic brand, and cannot be D:harmed by the elements. # 101 (unused) N:102:of Morgul X:24:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-20:-20:-10:0 F:SEE_INVIS | AGGRAVATE | HEAVY_CURSE | LIGHT_CURSE D:A weapon of dispair, bearing perilous hexes that protect and awake your D:foes. You can see even invisible creatures, but will rue every combat D:you engage in. # 103 (unused) ### Missile Launchers ### N:104:of Accuracy X:25:10 W:0:0:0:1500 C:15:5:0:0 D:This missile launcher shoots missiles with pinpoint accuracy, and D:sometimes almost guarantees a hit. N:105:of Velocity X:25:10 W:0:0:0:1500 C:5:15:0:0 D:This missile launcher has an unnaturally high Deadliness bonus, D:and sometimes energizes for additional damage. # 106 (unused) N:107:of Extra Might X:25:20 W:0:0:0:14000 C:5:10:0:0 F:MIGHT2 D:A missile weapon of legend, powerful beyond the measure of its kind, D:capable of shots that kill and maim. N:108:of Extra Might X:25:20 W:0:0:0:7000 C:5:10:0:0 F:MIGHT1 D:A missile weapon powerful beyond the measure of its kind, firing shots D:with great force. N:109:of Extra Shots X:25:20 C:10:5:0:0 W:5:0:0:10000 F:SHOTS D:So wondrously easy to reload is this weapon that little time passes D:between one shot and the next. # 110 (unused) ### Ammo ### N:111:of Hurt Animal X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:SLAY_ANIMAL D:They slay natural creatures. N:112:of Hurt Evil X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:SLAY_EVIL D:They do extra damage to evil creatures. N:113:of Hurt Undead X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:SLAY_UNDEAD D:They do extra damage to the undead. N:114:of Hurt Demon X:23:10 W:0:0:0:15 F:SLAY_DEMON D:They smite demonic foes. N:115:of Hurt Orc X:23:10 W:0:0:0:15 F:SLAY_ORC D:They pierce deeply into orcs. N:116:of Hurt Troll X:23:10 W:0:0:0:15 F:SLAY_TROLL D:They penetrate the tough hide of trolls with ease. N:117:of Hurt Giant X:23:10 W:0:0:0:15 F:SLAY_GIANT D:They dismay giants. N:118:of Hurt Dragon X:23:10 W:0:0:0:35 F:SLAY_DRAGON D:They do extra damage to dragons. N:119:of Acid X:23:11 W:0:0:0:28 F:BRAND_ACID | IGNORE_ACID D:They smoke and sizzle with noxious black corrosions, and they cannot be D:harmed by acid. N:120:of Electricity X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:BRAND_ELEC | IGNORE_ELEC D:Sparks form tiny coronas upon their surfaces from top to bottom. N:121:of Flame X:23:11 W:0:0:0:28 F:BRAND_FIRE | IGNORE_FIRE D:Flames dance merrily up and down them, and they cannot be harmed by fire. N:122:of Frost X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:BRAND_COLD | IGNORE_COLD D:Crystals of coldly gleaming ice form upon their surfaces. N:123:of Poison X:23:10 W:0:0:0:25 F:BRAND_POIS D:They gleam a sickly green. N:124:of Wounding X:24:5 W:0:0:0:20 C:5:5:0:0 D:They are easy to aim, and pierce deep into your foes. N:125:of Backbiting X:23:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-50:-50:0:0 F:LIGHT_CURSE D:They seem only interested in hurting you. ### Special Broken Items ### # Destroyed Weapon N:126:(Shattered) X:24:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:-5:-5:0:0 D:This weapon has been ruined beyond redemption by fell sorceries. # Destroyed Body Armor N:127:(Blasted) X:30:0 W:0:0:0:0 C:0:0:-10:0 D:The twisted, charred surface of this hopelessly smashed armour crumbles D:apart as you gingerly touch it.